Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kid & Money from 2-5yrs Old.

  • You can start teaching kids about money as soon as they express a curiosity or interest about the topic.
  • Even a two-year old can be taught to put coins into a piggy bank. They may not completely understand the concept of saving, but this is a good introduction to what coins look like and the idea of putting the coins into a piggy bank.
  • Start with the basics such as money identification with preschoolers. Teach them to tell the difference between a penny, nickel, and a dime.
  • Show them a $1 bill and start showing them how you use these dollar bills to purchase items.
  • When a child asks for something in a store, explain that you have to pay for item – it is not free.
  • At this age, you could even introduce the concept of “needs vs. wants.” Instilling good money values can begin very early.

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